Custom Blend Wellness Treatment

Custom Blend Wellness Treatment 

Please call to discuss: (310) 882-8337

Decrease stress and anxiety, increase awareness, connection, quiet the mind, get back into you body, release tension, sleep better,  and refocus.

Using breath as the first tool for connection, your  session begins by incorporating a gentle meditation  technique. Once your mind is quiet and your focus shifts to your physical body, you allow the sensations, thoughts and feelings to  arise and pass away without judgement. Introducing an external stimulus through touch  while having internal focus on the breath allows your  physical body to  be more open to receive . The awareness of your body increases. Muscles release more easily, and thoughts are allowed to rise and pass away without attachment.

Once your mind  has quieted your treatment will incorporate Esalen style, Swedish, reflexology, polarity therapy and stretching flawlessly integrated to meet you where you are. Gentle reminders to go back to breath will be used as needed.

Communication is encouraged “That feels really good” “that spot is  sore” and anything you wish to share regarding the physical sensations occurring will be received and integrated. Other communications are asked to be held until your session is finished.

I address areas of specific tension that you  may have with deep tissue techniques.

Includes homework!